Thursday 6 December 2007

Arms & the man

An earlier blog on this topic is slipping down the charts and will soon disappear, so here is a refresher. The last was widely ignored, so I am beginning to feel lonely. Sob! Is anybody interested in this: there will be a reading of the script with a view to casting parts on Thursday 10th December at 7.30 in the warm at 81 Eastgate, Cowbridge. If you want to read the play, you can find a text at that can be downloaded and copied freely,or Brenda has copies to borrow. There is also a DVD of the BBC production from about 25 years ago with a youthful Helena Bonham-Carter that is worth seeing (but we can do better). There is still an important gap in our ranks for a "young" officer of artillery (he says he is 35 but I don't believe him), Bluntschli, a splendid part. Do you know of a personable (not necessarily handsome) young man who really, really wants to act but nobody ever asked him? Come on! I know you are out there somewhere!
Committee approval is still required and you know how perverse and capricious the Committee can be. We need a good case, preferably with a convincing looking cast sketched in if we are to compete with all the other projects on the agenda.
Contact Jim on (01446) 771645 or


Upstager said...

Thursday, next week is, of course the 13th! Bluntschli must be handsome, but handsomeness is in the eye of the beholder. I will vet all candidates for the part.

I don't recommend downloading scripts as I have laboured to produce nine all nicely formatted and bound. What is Zebskid thinking of?

Anonymous said...

Thinking of my dear Upstager, as ever. So there was somebody listening! This is encouraging.

Anonymous said...

Apologies, dear zebskid, for my non attendance next Thursday, I shall be on my way back from Eurodisney with my youngest grandchild. Cannot suggest any likely lad for the part but any other assistance required is guaranteed.

EuropaWorld said...

You could always try asking if you borrow someone from the Welsh College of music and drama with the added satisfaction that they would bring their mates.