Sunday 2 December 2007


Having successfully managed to leave two comments, I thought it was time to have a go at some thoughts. Upstager gave me a crash course over the phone in posting a message, which I promptly forgot. (It might have had something to do with having just got home from work and having lost the will to live of course.) Somehow this morning I seem to have got onto the page, but I have already forgotten what I did.Perhaps it will be a permanent blindspot for me like the trip to Bristol Airport, made comparatively frequently, but a white-knuckle ride nonetheless. Still I can find my way around Tescos at Culverhouse X, just, so perhaps all is not lost. If I can negotiate my way (with trolley) around that beast, why should I fear a blog and Bristol Airport? OR, if there are others out there like me we could form a splinter group called 'Blogphobics Anonymous'.The possibilities are endless!

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