The next event is Lloyd Lee in his one-man-show about Charles Dickens. With new material lloyd once again shows us what he is capable of on the stage. It is an evening of sheer delight - not to be missed. Although unfortunately I shall be absent as my sister is having her 60th birthday bash on that evening, Saturday 19th January.
I believe the £6.00 entrance fee includes a glass of wine. The performance starts a 7.30 and is a full length evening of entertainment. Tickets on the door.
Are we dressing up - in Victoriana?
I should like to come with Nancy as I think that would qualify as 'meeting one evening under different surroundings.' Can we have seats in the backrow please?
If Nancy fails me I suppose I'll have to fall back on Bella, the madwoman. (I am sure Lloyd can do an excellent Mcnaughton impression! Doubt if Bella could tell the differenc anyway) But could someone please count the pictures, rubies, watches etc first. And bar steward - you'd better hide the whisky bottle.
I have to say that owing to an unfortnate deficiency at point s/456 on vector r369 in my right frontal cortex, I have only just now realisied that the Charlie in the title must refer to Dickens himself. 'Charlie' Dickens, of course! I had supposed that Educating Charlie was a title picked at random - just a variation on Educating Rita with the advantage of being marginally shorter than Educating Sonny Goy! Ah well, you live and learn. Like Flute I am slow of study.
Was the author of Pickwick ever called Charlie once he was outside the blacking factory? No doubt the story will be revealed on Saturday.
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