Monday 6 October 2008


This Friday, 10 October, Lattedrinker has kindly turned the social evening at the Theatre over to me for a reading of 'Outside Edge'. It is hoped that the hilarious play by Richard Harris, with it's cricketing theme, will be the 2009 Spring Production. The drawback over the years has been the perennial problem of whether or not it could be cast, with a cast of nine it does take some organising. For too long this play has languished in the wings. The time is now right for it it to take it's proper place centre stage.
Our wonderful set designers have been sent off on their vacation to foreign parts, their holiday task being to work out how to create a cricket pavilion on our stage. Cleverly I leave all the hard work to others, I just direct the thing, attempting, but usually failing, to keep any sort of order.You can't miss me, I'm the one standing on the box talking to herself.
I have attempted, to quote the timeless words of Claude Rains in 'Casablanca', to 'round up the usual suspects'. If I have left anyone out I apologise, please feel free just to turn up, the more the merrier.Rehearsals should start late November/December, the bonus being that we could rehearse all over Xmas for anyone who wants to escape from the festivities.Only kidding.

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