Monday 26 November 2007

Spring Production

Arms & the Man, a seriously funny anti-war play by George Bernard Shaw, has become a candidate for our spring production in 2008. Jim Grove offers to direct it and Ber has grabbed the onerous task of making costumes. If the committee does not kick it into touch, casting may take place before Christmas with a view to staging it immediately before or just after Easter depending on the sorts of things that these things depend upon. There is a serious gap to be filled: a handsome young hussar capable of winning the hearts of all the ladies in the audience (but not necessarily of the men) would get to strut up and down in spurs. Do you know such a person? Do you know somebody who has such a person hidden at home? Contact: Jim Grove phone 771645 or
This was PSLB’s idea but I have stolen it.


Upstager said...

Correction - TWO handsome young men are required. If anyone would like to read the play beforehand I can supply a copy. Also volunteer actors for any of the parts would be welcome.

EuropaWorld said...

All that I can suggest is asking the Welsh College of Music and Drama.

It would be fun, wouldn't it if they were twins.

Joe Knapp's son Charlie was indicating a lukewarm interest.

Don't any of the girls have boyfriends?

Is it more important to be handsome or young?

Are we having a reading beforehand?

Anonymous said...

Twins would spoil the story.
Charlie, I am told, excused himself in the cold light of day when Clare was not smiling at him.
The girls, I hope, are already hunting in a pack. I wonder if this is fair sport but I don't care.
Both handsome and young is the minimum qualification. Tall would be a bonus and we should aim high.
Yes we will have a reading.