Friday 18 July 2008

The Charles Dickens Show expresses heartfelt gratitude

Here's squirrelchaser, again. This time, though, I reckon I've blown my cover!

Because, I'd like, very much, to thank the society for their encouragement with my Charles Dickens endeavours. Amazing support for Educating Charlie. I now have bookings for this, at respectable venues, this Autumn. Always looking for others, of course, and smaller venues and and private and corporate events, as well as theatres, are welcome. Schools, as well.
The show now has its web-site, which is :- and I'd welcome feedback on same. There are, as you will see, other performances, all one-man shows, available.
So, again, thanks


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just checked the website, what a clever piece. How do you get the face to move? Perhaps CADs could persuade Squirrel-chaser to perform his version of 'A Christmas Carol' later in the year. It might even be expanded to involve a few others taking some of the other roles leavoing Squirrel-chaser to be Dickens and Scrooge. Could work!